so we decided to treat ourselves to the k.l. aquarium today, they had so many fish! i got in trouble a few times, cause i kept stopping to take pictures and the rest of the family started getting a little tired of waiting for me.

but then we came to the tunnel. i could have stayed in there all day, it was so amazing. we had huge sharks and rays and napolean wrasses and well you name it, swimming around us. of course on the one good family shot i got in the tunnel (the lighting was very challenging) there were no big fish swimming by at the moment. but trust me, there were lots.

still cannot believe all the things we saw, it was about what i could see if i went diving 1000+ times and was really lucky! then there were the seahorses! okay, so i felt sorry for them as there were quite a few living in such small tanks, but at the same time, it must have been nice for them to not have any predators. so i have to put up a picture of one of the little guys.

we had lunch at the central market and then treated ourselves to a foot massage while zoe took a little nap. then it was back to the hotel for final packing and then sadly it was time to give a warm send off to farmor and farfar. safe travels!
1 comment:
Hej svejs!
Stort TACK för en underbar resa!!
Vi har fantastiska minnen med oss hem till gråa kalla Sverige. Det känns jätte kul att fått vara med er på en del av er resa. Och så bra det gick: 3 intensiva veckor inpå varandra hela tiden, kan verkligen vara en prövning för 9 starka personligheter, som faktiskt funka riktigt bra!! De som hade de största fighterna var väl di två minsta!!! Men sammtidigt hade de ju väldigt kul tillsammans många stunder (när de sov!!!!) Emma är jätte glad och stolt över sina dyk!! Vi (Anders o jag) med, dels för hennes skull, men tänk att vi redde själv också ut det efter 7 års mossighet. Det kändes nästan hopplöst vid första kontakten med regulatern!! Usch så jobbigt och ovant, näst intill panik känsla. Men så härligt sedan MIN Maxi lugnat mig!!
Kul att vi får följa er på er vidare resa, dock bara via blogg, och bli lite avundsjuka att vi ej är med! Önskar er en fortsatt bra resa och ta väl hand om er! Stora KRAMAR från Cilla, Anders, Emma och Moa.
PS Thomas: vadå 3 stående tårtbitar?? Fattar noll!!!!!!!
PS Än en gång TACK!!
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