Sunday, August 28, 2011

yum, crayfish..

so august is coming to a close and so crayfish season is in high swing here in sweden.  not a bit fan myself, but love to watch zoe enjoy those crayfish. she is crazy about them.

Friday, August 26, 2011

seriously? more from the camping trip...

after spending the night in a massive thunder and lightning storm with massive downpours, we learned our tent is quite watertight, nice.  but we awoke to fairly dryer conditions and after breakfast packed up and headed to ystad's animal park.  they even allowed dogs, so bonita was able to come along.  one of the first things we saw were zebras.  seemed very odd to see zebras in sweden.
then there were barns with animals from closer to home,  and even a big hay hopping area,  zoe had a blast.  she is a little daredevil that kid.
even bonita was interested in the wild life.  here she is having a staring contest with a meerkat.
eijla kept trying to share her crackers with the cute little tamarins.  but neither of them seemed to understand it was bit hard to do with the window in the way.
we had bit of fun in the goat petting area...

then after a visiting the baby pigs that were only a few days old and having a picnic lunch, eijla was wiped!
thomas and zoe found the energy to even go up and check out the swimming pool. we were the only ones there...
cause face it, it was way too cold to be swimming.  but you know those crazy thorens!
then we managed to squeeze everything, including zoe, back into the car for the drive home. 
it was a great, albeit, short trip this year, but it was fun to discover things so close to home that you usually just skip over.  looking forward to another great camping trip next year.

what? more camping?

the morning brought all kinds of new fun.  puppy snuggles and breakfast.

 then zoe found a frog..
 and then more frogs.. before she accidentally released them into the car, where i fear they will dry up and die and cause horrid smells.
we then drove up to Stenshuvud National Park where we went a hike to the top of the head for some great views. the girls were real troopers.
at one point we thought it would be fun to hike down to the beach, until we discovered what we hoped was a hiking trail, was a mountain goat trail, and nearly impossible to hike, so we had to climb back up,  we never did make it to the beach,  guess we have a reason for going back someday.
eijla thought she was the boss of bonita, and was trying to get her to gå fin.  she really tells one off when she doesn't like what you are doing.  good thing bonita is so patient with her.

then we stopped in kivik for food and play...
and topped it off with some ice cream of course.  before going off to find a new place to set up our tent.

more of our camping trip.

you do not have to go far to have a great adventure.  we headed over to simrishamn, for a bit of fun.  we had fish in the harbor.

chased butterflies in town
snacked on fresh raspberries and blueberries. (yum).
and managed a family foto in between a bunch of buse och lek.
we drove to lake thomas found on the map, and managed to find a pretty good place to camp for the night.  we got out to check it out and thomas chased zoe down with the car.  never seen that girl run so fast!
then it was super mysig with a campfire, snuggles, and of course...
roasted marshmellows!

time for our annual camping trip.

well, since thomas always knows i am running way behind schedule, and that we will never, ever get out the door in time, we decided to not stress. and take it as it comes.  so we ended up camping our first night in farmor and farfar's yard!

but it was still a great start for the trip.  we had to pick up some extra camping stuff at farmor and farfar anyway.  but who can stop in bjärred on a summery afternoon and not go down and get a a mjölkglass?  it had been a couple of years since the last time we did, so it was a must.

then, after the ice cream, we walked down to the little park by the water. the girls had a go at the slide.  zoe takes such great care of little eijla.  we are pretty proud of how great they are together.

even bonita got to give the park toys a go.  though not too sure how excited she really was about it!
then down to the beach to play in the wet and slime.  yeah!
on the walk back to the car, i believe zoe hopped off of every stone, there must have been more than 30!  she is like a little bunny rabbit.
then of course no visit to bjärred is complete without stopping and saying hi to the sheep. 
so then it was a night of luxury camping in farfars and farmors back yard! with lots of snuggles.  camping snuggles somehow seem so much more snuggly than regular snuggles!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

daddy gets a haircut

by his very talented hairdresser zoe!  as you can see, it ended up being a pretty interesting haircut, but pappa is happy with it and that is what counts.  thanks zoe!

next week we are off on our family camping trip!  yeah, really looking forward to it!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

back to "school"

summer break is over,  and so zoe is back to dagis (preschool/daycare).  but this time she gets to bring her little sister with.  so yesterday was eijla's first day of dagis.  you can see in their eyes, that they were not used to getting up so early.  but they were both so excited...

eijla went almost directly to the dolls.  she loves her dagis, and it is great for me to try and get a bit of work done while they are there for a couple of hours. 
she even took a nap at dagis today.  so cute that she had to take a dolly with.  that kids loves dolls!

Monday, August 15, 2011

a little bit of eijla...

our little charmtroll hamming it up..
and she loves papa's carrot soup!  but insists and eating it by herself.  "kan själv!" it would be more adorable if i did not have to clean it up!
and we had a big painting day the other day.  eijla created all kinds of pretty pictures.  she is much more art interested than zoe was at this age.  who knows. maybe we have a painter on our hands!
and the results... both zoe and eijla love their pinks and purples!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

zoe is on a new kick (that we are loving) where she actually likes to clean her room!  she even vacuumed it the other day. go zoe!
then thomas and i have been away working in växsjö for a few days. so the girls have been with farmor and farfar.  but check out the hot lorry ride i got back home with!
and we came home to lots and lots of cucumbers in the garden!  time to start making pickles yeah!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

happy birthday maya

hipp hipp hurray for maya, who turned 5 today!  so we headed to andy's lekland for the day.  great fun was had by all...
even us moms!
two cuties swinging...
then it was back to maya's house for food and cake and fun. snapped this shot of anya and eijla playing, we have a similiar pic of maya and zoe on the same three wheeler, funny how life repeats itself.  same, same, but different!