today we went to the k.l. bird park. it was a really fun day. not only zoe, but mamma and pappa also had a great time checking out all the different birds. there were tons and tons and tons. all different kinds, many of which we had not seen before. so the hostel where we are staying said it was a short walk there. he neglated to say you had to walk all the way around the bird park to get to the entrance so in 35C heat, we walked and we walked and we walked. but we finally made it, and promised ourselves the luxury of a taxi back to chinatown. the walk was so hot and zoe had been so good that she got her own ice cream. she has become a huge ice cream fan lately. but that might be because mamma and pappa bribe her with it a lot now that she has no more binkies. the receptionist at the hotel ate one and farfar took the other one back to sweden (wink, wink), so she has been without for 3 days now. last night was the first decent sleep for all of us. there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

so back to the bird park, there were a lot of birds just wandering around the park, zoe found the peacocks fascinating, though they did not really appreciate her chasing them!

there was also a silly bird show where the birds rode bicycles and did simple math, and other things, it was rather amusing, but i personally prefer to watch them in more natural behavior. there was also a foto booth so we had to get a family pic with all the birds.

it was a really fun day, and we kept thinking how much farmor and farfar would have enjoyed seeing all the birds.
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