Monday, March 15, 2010


so i finally got to take my new ride out for a longer trip, and zoe got to try out her new headphones to the dvd player that my new ride is built around!
first it was off to the annermalm's for a yummy fika and a bit of snuggles...then we took farmor and farfar for their first trip in our new luxury van... think farfar really enjoyed watching ice age with zoe!
then it was time for our very first family foto of four. not easy with a screaming newborn and a wired 3.5 year old!

another picture fix...

well, we are getting ready, or at least thinking that we should be getting ready to head south tomorrow, as we fly out early wednesday morning to the states, but of course we have not even starting packing or anything. but hey, thought we would put some pics up to keep you entertained while we are traveling...

even pappa wanted to get in on the sisterly love. i know i am biased, but darnit, they are just so cute!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

mamas got a new ride...

yeah, it served us right, due to the lack of luv from "husse" (and it might be beacause we never named IT) she finally gave up. a new life waits for her in poland...
after frozen oceans, snowed in roads, flat tires, wrong info on answering machines etc. we finally got the .... (waiting for zoe to name it, she is currently suggesting "pea soup" but eimi vetoed that).
or as monica and zoe agreed on, the big tv whit the car arond it!
mamas new ride.
eimi wanted a safe environmental car so i got her this chrystler, 3,8 liter. little ride.
may i say the safety issue had higher priority for me than that other thing she mentioned.

super grandpa's reward for driving the 300 km. to deliver the happy new owner.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The ACEM came up for a visit. was a bit hard to get the girls to pose... emma manage to herd them all in better than 4 adults!
a proud uncle anders (sorry cilla that he hugged her all the time)