so we are back in indonesia, but this time on the other end. pulau weh, the most north-western tip of the indonesian islands. our trip here was uneventful really, we took a taxi from the hotel in k.l. to the airport. we had a hard time at the boarding gate getting on the flight as the people were already lined up for the next flight and would not let those of us flying to bandeh aceh through. really odd mentality. anyway, then when we finally got on the right plane, we had a nice flight, thomas and zoe stretched out in one row and me in another. we had a bit of a wait to get through immigration, but finally it was our turn. we had somehow ended up last in the queue. they were really friendly and even told our taxi driver for us that we needed to stop at an atm as we had no rupiah. so we hopped in a taxi and headed to the town. it was a surprisingly long ride, we drove through some gorgeous countryside for about 45 minutes in a very fancy suv for only $7. arrived at a hotel, dropped the bags and headed out for a walk about. ate some gado gado, and asked about a million different people when the ferry went the next morning. funny enough, not a single person answered the same time. went back to the room where we realized there was a horrible mold smell that thomas was already having an allergy to. we asked to change rooms, but they were all the same. so we were stuck there, luckily it was only for one night. the next day we took a taxi to the ferry, which we guess went at 1100, as the website and the travel agent had said, but no, it was not until 1400, so we had a bit of a wait. apparently we were not the only ones who had been misinformed. two swedes ended up waiting almost as long. after talking to them a bit, it turned out they were heading to pulau weh to do their dive course, and as it turns out, they would prefer to do it in swedish. so when we turned up, we asked the diveschool here, and they said no problem. great! zoe entertaining us all with papa's sunglasses while waiting for the ferry.

stopping on the road to iboih to feed the monkeys.
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