so spring is in the air, the greenhouse is built. it is time to head to a nursery! and it just so happens that one of the best ones is down by farfar and farmor. and thomas just happened to want to go for a test drive on some ducatis down in lödde. so i packed the girls and dog into our car and thomas rode off on his bike. the nursery was full of goodies, and zoe bought lots of flowers. then we headed to otto pers gård where farmor keeps her sheep. they just had lambs, and the girls loved them. eijla and a little white lamb were trying to prove who had more attitude...

zoe was super proud that she is now big enough to hold the lambs. good thing they were so friendly and not shy at all. the girls did not want to leave them alone.

farmor had an utstallning that day, so we popped and and checked out all her beautiful pottery. that farmor has got talent!
then farfar took a turn looking cool on the bike while thomas got ready to ride...

it was a great day. flowers, plants, lambs, motorcycles, pottery, and grandparent snuggles, a little bit of something for everyone.
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