being as we are a culturally blended family, we celebrated both the swedish and american christmases this year. started off on the 24th. in the morning we made candy and then it was time to begin feasting, the table is set...

after a couple of courses it was time for tomten (santa) to come and and deliver the christmas presents. i think he about overheated in his thick jacket there were soooo many presents to give out. though most of course were zoe´s, and she was a big help to tomten.

i cannot believe how hard it is to fool a three year old, she said it was a farfar tomten directly when he came in, even though farfar had gone to buy a newspaper and wasn´t there. in the end she comprised and agreed, " okay, but that tomten was farfar before!". anyway, he still got a big hug after handing out all the julklapper.

then there was a wild frenzy of paper and toys, and soon it was time to try out all the shiny new things. the fairy wings from bonita and tutus from the jameson jungle were big hits.

but not even pappa could wait for zoe to try out her new four wheeler. they were out in the snow as soon as he had it assembled. i think they both had a blast.

and then it was time for yet another feast. i think we were on about the fifth or sixth course of the day in this photo.
then on the second day of christmas, we had a visit from the cousins, and even more christmas presents...

emma looked lovely with a tutu on her head.

and the big hit of the day were sparkling wands for the little girls. they ran around with them until zoe started trying to poke a dog´s eye out with it.

and since mormor was not here to get a big thank you hug, zoe just wanted to say thanks for the easel, she loves it, though at the moment it is more interesting to write on the wood than the white or black boards!

hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season, and those friends and family that live so far away, we miss you and wish you the best in the new year!