Wednesday, March 7, 2012

farmor and farfar´s last days in india

we decided farmor and farfar could not come to india without riding on the train at least once,  so we got up way too early and were dropped off at trivandrum train station, where we then had to wait for our train.  but all went well, and we piled on into a sleeper wagon number six. it was only a couple of hours, but there was plenty great scenery and buse, mostly from the boys!
 the afternoon was spent relaxing on alleppey beach with a bbq served on the veranda to top off the evening.  then a lazy morning and a bit of a swim.  we headed to our favorite restaurant Hot Kitchen for farmor and farfar´s last lunch.  we ate and ate and were all boogasprang!
 then it was off for a short backwaters trip on our own little boat.  very chill and relax, except for trying to keep eijla from falling overboard of course.
 farmor and zoe spotted all kinds of birds and found them in their bird book.
plenty of kingfishers, which just happens to be the bird of india, go figure.
 one last shot of the happy, young couple just before they leave us all alone in paradise...
then it was back to the hotel on the beach, and last minute packing, dinner on the veranda and our last game of UNO before waving good bye to farmor and farfar´s taxi as it drove them off to the airport.  it has been a brilliant three weeks with all kinds of fun and adventures.  thanks for sharing it with us farmor and farfar, we miss you already!  stora kramar.


Jessica Stier said...

What a wonderful experience! You all look like you're having a wonderful time and building wonderful memories. I'm glad that you're feeling a bit better, Eimi. You're girls are growing up so fast. They're just stunningly beautiful. Happy belated birthday to Eilja!

farmor o farfar said...

Oj va trötta vi såg ut att va på tåget, men det var nog ett litet spel.
Hungriga var vi i alla fall när vi var på Hot Kitchen och fick go mat.
Härlig tur på kanalen med flera kungsfiskare.

Arun said...

I just stumbled on your blog while I was searching something about Kovalam. I am from Trivandrum and live here. It was great to read your posts and to know that you had good experience here. I guess you are back in Sweden already. Hope you will visit again in the future!