Friday, October 21, 2011

fall harvest, birthday party, and missing teeth

yep, the summer is over. there are freezing temperatures at night.  so we harvested all we could from the greenhouse.  here is eijla proudly showing off our last pickings this year...
then we headed south for the weekend again.  for a lovely evening with the annermalms, though we all we so tired we crashed way too early.  but the next morning was a birthday party for mathilda.  eijla and zoe joined in the festivities.  apparently rebecka and eijla won the popcorn game!
then there were goodies and ice cream cake, you  know eijla and her little sweet tooth loved that!
 then today we lost tooth number two.  zoe had let it hang so long, that when she finally let me pull it out today,  it barely touched it and it fell out.  pretty cute smile she has now.

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