Tuesday, March 22, 2011

our very last day of the angkor temples

there were still a few temples, a little further out that i really wanted to see, and since brita and cege have left, i dragged the family along to the rolous group...
the first temple we headed to, preah ko, eijla was giving us the guided tour.
and she ended up being a bit of an attraction for the local kids hanging out there.
just nearby was workshops where they teach stone carving and shadow puppet (or leather silhouette carving). we stopped by and had a look, some of them were really talented. apparently they go to school part-time and apprentice part-time. but who knows all beggars and working children say they go to school, cause they know tourists will not buy from them unless they do.
then it was off to another temple, bakong this time, this one was a big one with a bit of a climb.
zoe gave me more of her top model posing...
then we headed the last temple, lolei, on my list (for this time). it was a small, nearly destroyed one, but there was a school for monks there, and they were quite the hosts.
super friendly and really wanting to practice their english.
on the way home we stopped by at an orphanage. the kids were amazing, they have nearly nothing and yet they were a joy. they loved eijla and zoe just as much as eijla and zoe loved them. we stayed for a couple of hours so they could play.
this one little boy really took a shining to thomas, he was so adorable. HIV pos and no mother or father, and still so full of life.
the kids were really an inspiration. and i think zoe really appreciated understanding how others live and lucky we are to have it so good.

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