Friday, December 3, 2010

the snow is not going anywhere, so might as well in enjoy with...

a walk to the forest during sunset...
a crazy sledding ride being pulled by your best friend, even when she makes you hit a bump...
and land on your face in the snow...
so that you scream bloody murder for all of 5 seconds...
then when those five seconds are up, it high times again being pulled on the sled!
or you could enjoy the snow in a warm cozy stoller, gliding over the ice and snow like a sleigh...
or not....
but definitely one of the best ways to enjoy the powdery white stuff that just won't go away, is to make super duper spectacular snow angels...
like these ones that got four thumbs up!
and don't for get the great hairstyles you get after wearing your tuch outside all day!
hope everyone is enjoying their weather, whatver they may have!

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