the girls will play! thomas and farfar went to scotland for a few days. so the first thing we did was have someone come and dig up our yard! no seriously we put in geothermal heating. and of course they had to come and do it while thomas was away. so now we have a huge muddy mess in our yard, however, the house is nice and warm!

poor little eijla, that kid falls and bangs herself up more than any baby i ever met. this nice big bruise on her cheek she got from just bonking her face on the floor while crawling. good thing she is so darn tough.

zoe was really hamming it up the other day. loving the hairdo. this kid puts more things in her hair than i can count.

speaking of putting things in her hair... now that there are no more flowers to pick she had started picking leaves instead!

she looks so calm and innocent in the pictures, but i tell you this kid is crazy. she almost never stops wiggling.

her little teeth started popping up the other day, but this is one of the first pics i have managed to get of them, when you can actually see them. if you look really close there are two small white teeth sticking up from her bottom gums. she managed to fall and smash her face the other day, and out popped her two teeth in her upper gums as well, now she has four teeth!

and then farfar and pappa came home from scotland. they came bearing many wonderful gifts as well. including some beautiful heathergem necklaces for us girls. i am really looking forward to using my new gardening book in the spring. better start reading it now! eijla also go the cutest pair of slippers with little sheep. so adorable.
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