yeah, it served us right, due to the lack of luv from "husse" (and it might be beacause we never named IT) she finally gave up. a new life waits for her in poland...

after frozen oceans, snowed in roads, flat tires, wrong info on answering machines etc. we finally got the .... (waiting for zoe to name it, she is currently suggesting "pea soup" but eimi vetoed that).
or as monica and zoe agreed on, the big tv whit the car arond it!
mamas new ride.

eimi wanted a safe environmental car so i got her this chrystler, 3,8 liter. little ride.
may i say the safety issue had higher priority for me than that other thing she mentioned.

super grandpa's reward for driving the 300 km. to deliver the happy new owner.
eimi's a soccer mom! :)
you could name it Zoe-a-go-goe, but Eijla might get jealous. Or, Scott suggested pee soup. Or Tourin' Thorens. Or, my personal favorite: the buse bus.
Oooh...this is fun! I'll keep thinking...
I can't believe it... Eimi has a minivan!! :)
Tack för en skön tur i nya bilen!
Lycka Till!
Härligt att träffa er och få gosa med era kära töser1
Anita o Lars
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