daddy and farfar went off to scotland and left us girls home all alone. but while the papa is away, it is up to the girls to play. so play we did. we had at least one painting party everyday. i love how zoe sticks her tongue out of the side of her mouth when she is really concentrating, it is just too cute.
we also baked. we did not have any chocolate chips (sob, sob, poor us), so i smashed up a couple of chocolate candy bars instead. however i read the recipe wrong.

turns out there was a lot more chocolate involved than i thought. the picture with the recipe looked like normal chocolate chip cookies, but only after i was halfway through did i realize that the cocoa powder was going to make them VERY chocolatey! luckily they were yummy anyway. zoe had fun digging in the cocoa powder box.

one day i was busy doing laundry or something downstairs and it seemed way too quiet, so i hurried upstairs to find that zoe had spilled her watercolor paints water cup over the kitchen floor. however, no problem mama, i´m cleaning up själv! such a sweetie, but i do not want to know how many poor trees this girl has killed so far in her very short life. PAPER, PAPER, and more PAPER!
hey painting beauties. nathaniel has those yellow birdie pajamas, too!
I am sending you a birthday present with your mom when she goes back that hopefully you won't be sad about chocolate chips for a little while. :)
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