So time to get back on the bandwagon of the blogging world...
july and august passed in a blink of an eye, those entries to come so, but thought i would get started with our most recent adventure, Prague.
zoe and papa hanging out in front of the astronomical clock, looks like it just happened to be repair time, or there is a really lifelike clock arm.

they say small children are afraid to be too far away from their parents, and will not wandering too far off. "they" have not met
zoe, there was a lot of chasing her down streets just trying to keep her in sight.

the market was full of all kind of handicrafts,
zoe bought herself this necklace with a giraffe on it, she was so proud of it. there were also all kinds of crazy puppets all over
prague, i actually found the majority of them rather scary looking...

our tour guide planning our next outing.

and what trip to
prague would be complete without a walk over the
charles bridge, and in such great company too!

heading back over the bridge at sunset.
zoe found a playground on the other side and had a blast, was a bit hard to pull her away when it was time to go find some dinner.
zoe had to stop in ALL the puppet stores, there was no high speed cruising of this town.

a family portrait inside the castle grounds, just in front of the cathedral. not sure who has a bigger belly, me or

zoe really wanted to go for a ride in a horse and buggy, so after hours and hours of convincing us she was a
dyktig tjej, we rode in style.
zoe loved every minute.

yeah, we were definitely not the only tourists. Prague is much more crowded than it was when we were there before (separately, this was our first time together).

a sausage burger? really? that just cracked me up.

and this was
zoe´s favorite ice cream store, she got her daily fix here. chocolate of course.

we had a our last meal here. it was a really cozy little place, with good food too. one of my memories from my last trip to
prague was the rarity of restaurants, besides super fancy ones, and now they are everywhere. we had some really lovely food on the trip. yum.

one last family
shot all in all a lovely weekend.
thomas really did a great job fixing everything for us. we has a fabulous hotel and a really nice relaxing time. though one of the highlights was going to the live ballet of swan lake. even
zoe was totally entranced. thanks papa for an
unforgettable weekend. we love you.

and then there was the plane ride home, just love her expression. think she was satisfied with the trip.