Thursday, May 28, 2009

this princess does not want curly hair!

so the other day i french braided zoe´s hair. it was very cute, but then she is always cute. anyway, when it came time to take out the braids, i mentioned how cute she would be with the curly hair one gets from having it in braids. however, this princess was just not feeling it. she looked in the mirror and started howling. i am not kidding.
luckily it just took a bit of water and a comb, and she managed to calm herself down a bit. but the mirror was still a load of fun.
after all the to do with the curly hair she decided that to be a real princess she needed to have her hair up in her flower thingy and wear mom´s old necklace. so here you have one coe little princess with no longer curly hair.
she rounded off the day by doing one of her favorite things, lounging in her chair while watching one of her films (usually referred to as her bow wow movie, which means any movie she has that has a dog in it, though lady and the tramp is the current favorite). you just gotta lover her movie pose.

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