Monday, September 8, 2008

my 1st time

so it's time to lose my blog virginity. it's twenty to seven and as normal this is the first time there is time to relax... work was easy today (for once) sat in the car for 3 hours and the rest of the day was just doing easy job in the sun that we didn't really need to do but just because we were 150 k away we had to do something. oh well. eimi worked over today so i had a nice relaxing 2 hours with zoe arguing that she did not need the binkie in the forest, while taking a bath, cooking or petting the dog. a lot of screams and tantrums. but I WON. eimi comes home and 5 min later zoe had her binkie in her mouth. the rule is that if in bed she can have the binkie. so she stayed in bed for a few minutes then it started over again... -tom can you deal with that i'm shaving my legs... so, again, you don't need the binkie when playing, petting the dog, cooking or making a pretty, very beautiful drawings for daddy (that one almost sold me...) sometimes 5 minutes feels like for#$% ever.  
oh well time to get some socks its getting cold. 
and i'm gonna end this with something that i know will make you jameson girls speechless. 
a quote from eimi-
 "zoe you have to eat more chicken before you get more rice!!"


wanderingbonnie said...

Good thing you're keeping both of your girls in line...boy, that Eimi...who'a thunk she'd be willingly shaving her legs and talking her daughter into eating have truly done wonders with her!!! Keep up the good work with those are awesome!!! Love ya Thomas!

Elizabeth said...

Blog virginity?!?! I love it!

That last quote DID leave me speechless...I had to check and re-check the website to make sure I was in the right place. =)

I would LOVE to witness a stand-off between Zoe and Eimi! One day...