Sunday, November 28, 2010
say cheese!
trying to get a decent picture of the girls for the holidays has been impossible. but then decent is not so important anymore, now i am going for amusing!

Friday, November 26, 2010
cookies instead of turkey...
thomas worked all thanksgiving. and well, i am no turkey eater. so we made cookies instead. and not just any cookies. we made play dough cookies, or lollipop cookies. found a couple of different recipes for them, and they had different names, but zoe thought they were a lot of fun and very pretty.

i have the most colorful cookie jar in the village. these were a big hit, going to have to make them again soon!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
a climber, a muscian, a hairdresser, an addict?
eijla is a super climbing monkey. she climbs on anything and as high as she can. she inherited this great learn to walk table from anya the other day. but she seems to think it is a learn to climb toy!
zoe giving eijla piano lessons. it was a great moment.
and then brave pappa came home and let zoe give him a new hairdo. pretty fancy having an exclusive hairdresser.
yes, our 9 month old is addicted to ice cream. yes, we are bad parents. but it is just too much fun watching the joy on her face, and laughing at the mess she makes.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
eijla's first snow
though eijla was born on a very snowy day. she has never really experienced snow first hand, until today. here are my snow babies...
she discovered quite quickly it is fun to eat snow...
though i think the cold surprised her a bit. but after a couple of funny faces, she was back to licking everything snowy she could.
super happy because she figured out that she could put both her hands in the snow and lick them to her hearts content.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
serious about her spaghetti
Sunday, November 14, 2010
happy fathers day!
today is father's day here in sweden. so yesterday we decided to bake pappa some pepperkakor. zoe really gets into it. funny enough her favorite part is the flour, she loves to put way too much on the cookies, but honestly i think it is more about having fun than making tasty cookies.
eijla watched, but was not so sure what we were doing
but don't worry, it won't be long before she starts getting in flour fights with us too!

we love you pappa!
Monday, November 8, 2010
random novemberness
one of the funniest things i have seen is eijla using her babygym as a walker. just like an old lady. it is so darn cute. only she cannot turn so when she hits something she gets really mad, but boy can she move with that thing.
thing she wore herself out. am i a bad mom that one of the only ways i can get her to fall asleep is to let her be in on everything until she finally just falls over?
zoe had a major project today, was super excited about it. i still do not quite know what she was doing, but all her dishes ended up sorted by color, and she was just gushing about how beautiful it all was.
Friday, November 5, 2010
we finally have a kitchen table!
that is right. thomas finally had enough time off of work to make us a new kitchen table. the one in tyringe may have been "floating" but this one has wheels! not to mention tons of storage space (yeah!).
we all helped a little bit. though eijla mostly just tested out the durability and banged her head a few times.
thansk for the new table pappa! you rock!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
yeah, another entry...
we went to farfar's birthday dinner down in bjärred, and tried as i might it was impossible to get a decent shot of all four cousins. they only time they all sat still and were not making funny faces was when they were eating! go figure. but zoe was ecstatic over seeing her cousins again.
eijla is still a crazy little monkey getting into everything, but one of her all time favorites lately is helping me with the dishes. seems like she can empty the silverware faster than i can load them!
we got a new fridge the other day, so zoe got the box to turn into her very own house. i love how flower power she looks here. and the styling is all zoe. everytime i looked at her with those beads on her head i could not help smiling. that kid is so darn cute. notice the curtains hanging out the back think she has even done some interior decorating.
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