Tuesday, December 6, 2011

our little camel safari in the rajastani desert

after our practice run, we were ready to head to the desert.  zoe was very excited...
 but the sun was strong, so pappa and eijla covered up...
 zoe had a bit fun playing musical camels,  she rode, in turn, with thomas, me and even the camel guide.
 eijla wanted to ride on the camel all by herself, and could not understand why we wouldn´t let her!
 then we rode out to the sand dunes, definitely the highlight of the safari.
 where we had fun in the sun and played in the sunset...

 then the stars came out and the temperature cooled down...
 and a stick on fire was ever so fun.  are we bad parents we let our five year old play with fire?

 then after a yummy dinner cooked by the fire,  it was time for nighty nighty under the starry sky!
 sunrise over my cute little family.  mys.
 then it was up for a yummy breakfast, and a couple more hours of fun in the sand,  there were sand angels....
 buried angels...

 and then we were off again before the sun was too hot...
 on our lunch break zoe even managed to pick flowers in the desert.  that kid can find flowers anywhere!
then it was time to say good bye to our camel and guides,  it was a great adventure!

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