Saturday, June 23, 2012


cannot believe that it is already midsummers.  time is just flying by.  in preparation of heading to the annermalms, we made a big salad, and our little mini quiches.  eijla was a great help with the quiches.  she was so focused, just check out that tongue!
then of course we had to pick wildflowers.  midsommars is just not midsommars without them, luckily they grow on the side of the road almost everywhere around here, but you had to be quick between the massive downpours, ah swedish midsommars, rain, rain, rain.
the girls hopped into the pool almost as soon as we got there.  good think it is heated, or they would have been icicles. 
after a dip and some food, the girls decided they wanted to go on a wildflower hunt, zoe volunteered me as the adult chaperone, which was my honor.  luckily it had stopped raining but there were plenty of puddles to splash in.
here are the girls with their find,  enough daisies to make daisy chain crowns for everyone.

rebecka found a leash that was small enough for eijla baby puppy, and she had great fun taking it for walks all afternoon.
then it was time to decorate the midsommars stång.  everyone added their own little unique touches.
zoe, our little flower princess, helped to make sure amanda´s crown was just right.  amanda sure was patient with her, i think it took zoe 15 minutes until she was satisfied with her work. :)
due to rain, and food being ready, we missed the dancing around the midsommars stång this year.  though maybe christer and jessica got up in the middle of the night and did is just for fun when the rain stopped!  ha ha.  after a delicious dinner it was snuggles and dessert.  i think eijla wants to go and live with rebecka!

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