Sunday, January 1, 2012

new year's eve

we rented a bike for new years eve, and drove to the market in chaudi to buy supplies.  zoe bought much of her own food, including tomatoes, cucumbers, and these crazy colored pastas.  she is quite the little market shopper.
 after offloading the supplies at the house we went exploring, all four of us on our little blue speedy bike.  eijla was either waving her arms in the wind or sleeping the whole ride.  we found more beaches and even made it all the way to agonda. 
 then after a beautiful sunset and dinner on the was time for fun.  we bought zoe and eijla sparklers which they played with while waiting for dinner. 
it was time for fun.  we bought zoe and eijla sparklers which they played with while waiting for dinner. 
sadly they fell asleep by about 2200, and we were unable to wake them despite the insanely loud and fireworks and us pinching and poking them all over. nope they were out, and proceeded to sleep through the large firework explosions at midnight.  but we enjoyed it laying on the beach.  not a bad way to welcome the new year.

1 comment:

Farmor o Farfar said...

Såna härliga upplevelser! Ligga på stranden och möta det nya året!
Gott Nytt År önskar vi till er