Thursday, October 21, 2010


in the end of september we took a mini vacation and headed down to lalandia in denmark. we brought farmor and farfar with as well, the more the merrier! off we went...
great having a car that we all can fit in, and comfortably even!
as soon as we checked in and dropped our bags, we headed to the aquadome. the outdoor bubble pools weren't so hot, so even the girls could hang out with us in them. here was our one attempt at a group shot, not the best...
but we did manage to get a silly family shot.
the next day we headed to monkey tonky land...

where there was fun to be had by old and young alike...

farmor and i even got to help zoe make her very own candy.
and there there were the trampabil...

i guess farfar learned you do not mess with eijla and i. crazy farfar, believe it or not he got back up and started chasing us again!

then there were the pygmy goats. they were so insanely cute and little...
occasionally we went back to the stuga to refuel on food and snuggles...
but then it was right back out for another adventure, including the "wild river" zoe's favorite water slide. it said quite clearly on the sign that you had to be 7 years old to go on it, and if you broke the rules you would be asked to leave. so i was super paranoid that they were going to ask zoe how old she was and kick us out. but luckily they did not and we had perhaps and million and one rides on that crazy river slide! thomas even managed to get a pic of us on the more mellow part...
it was a great minivacation and we all enjoyed it immensely, zoe keeps asking nearly everyday when we are going back. thanks to farmor and farfar for sharing such a great time with us!

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