Sunday, May 30, 2010

eijla got her wheels...

today was eijla´s first time in her new gåstol. betting it is not too long before she is zooming around in it. go eijla go!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

3 months old and a bit of puppy love

i cannot believe that little eijla is already 3 months old. she is just growing up so fast. so we headed south so she could get a little puppy love.
though, honestly that was not the only reason. our car was FINALLY approved! yipee! here is thomas changing to plates to the permanent ones. what a crazy long story it has been, but we are finally legal to drive.
zoe was of course excited to go and see the lambs. she sure is a good helper, feeding and helping take care of them. a little lamby love?
and farfar was busy getting as much eijla snuggles as he could. she was loving it.

Friday, May 21, 2010

tyringe days with the österström girls

we went down to the park to celebrate tyringe days. do not really know what it is all about, but it seems nearly every village has their own days. usually means a mini carnival with rides for the kiddies during day and a big tent where all the grown ups, or not so grown ups get wasted in the evenings. being the parents of small children, we confined ourselves to the daytime activities this year. zoe and maya went on ride after ride and had a great time. a favorite was definitely this airplane ride. i was lucky to get a shot of them close to the ground, as most of the time they were flying as high as it would go.
aside from the teacups, the swings, and the weird thingeys that went round and round in multiple ways, the cars were up there on the list for the girls. notice their new jersey plates, maybe they are going to visit zoe's auntie zita!
after the tyringe day adventures we walked back to the österströms for a bit of a visit. of course it was very important to stop and feed the ducks our old bread on the way. check out zoe's hair. the kid gets more and more creative with how she wants me to do everyday.
on the way back, the girls had to take turns trying to lift one another, it was a pretty cute game they had going on. all in all it was a great day with great company.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

zoe's own designer photo shoot

this morning when we got up and dressed, zoe decided it was time for a photo shoot. she decided what she and eijla would wear, and even that they would have headbands with bows in their hair. she of course had to have purple and eijla had to have pink. she choose where to take the pictures and even decided how she and eijla should pose. she was quite the little production assistant.
she wanted a few portrait of just herself as well. i swear this kid is going to be a flower growing, princess dressing, hair designing producer, or something! i just love her personality.

Friday, May 14, 2010

one big hop for eijla...

mormor scored a hoppgunga for eijla at a loppis the other day, and since eijla has an insanely skinny, but strong neck, i figured she was up for a go, and she was. thought it was lots of fun. notice all the boxes in the background. don't tell anyone we are playing instead of unpacking!
and then maya came over to play the other day, and we went for a walk. got a couple cute shots of the girls...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

summer is on her way

though there is still a chill in the air, the flowers a blooming the the freshness of spring is hinting towards summer. been exploring around the new neighborhood lately, and took a couple of shots of the girls on one of our walks. zoe of course is loving the vast amounts of flowers she has found in the area. my little flower girl, just trying to get her to understand if she picks ALL the flowers there will not be any for another day.
eijla was pretty happy to get back in the house, cuz though summer is on her way, it is still chilly out there. i thought this was a pretty cute picture of my nearly 3 month old little lady, oh how time flies...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

bonita is a mommy!

bonita had puppies! they are so darn cute!

here is zoe snuggling with one. she loves them.

eijla even checked out the action a bit.

and then there were farmor snuggles. a very snuggly day indeed. congrats to our dear bonita!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

life in röke

we took some time off from moving and painting to enjoy our nice new big kitchen and bake some banana muffins with chocolate chips (thanks to auntie ashley!). zoe added a little extra chocolate chip on each one. yum! though honestly i think she might have eaten more chips than she placed! this monkey loves her chocolate. wonder where she gets that from...

and the first room we had to redo of course would be our little purple princess. she got to pick the colors all herself. anybody shocked at the color choice? this is right after thomas laid the last piece of flooring in her room. she is pretty proud of it. we are going to paint dark purple flowers and butterflies on the walls too.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

vaalborgs afton

so as per tradition we celebrated vaalborgs with the österströms, only this year we had the pleasure of farbror johan as well. a yummy grilled dinner, great company, and then down to the village fire. seems like all of röke turns out for this huge event!
and warm congrats to lina who had her little girl this morning!